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Zhang, N., S. Wan, L. Li, J. Bi, M. Zhao, and K. Ma. 2008. Impacts of N addition on soil microbial community in a semi-arid temperate steppe in northern China. Plant and Soil 311: 19-28.

Xia, J., and S. Wan. 2008. Global response patterns of terrestrial plant species to nitrogen addition. New Phytologist 179: 428-439.

Niu, S., W. Liu, and S. Wan. 2008. Different growth responses of C3 and C4 grasses to seasonal water and nitrogen regimes and competition in a pot experiment. Journal of Experimental Botany 59: 1431-1439.

Xu, Y., S. Wan, W. Cheng, and L. Li. 2008. Impacts of grazing intensity on denitrification and N2O production in a semi-arid grassland ecosystem. Biogeochemistry 88: 103–115.

Niu, S., and S. Wan. 2008. Warming changes species competitive hierarchy in a temperate steppe of northern China. Journal of Plant Ecology 1: 103-110.

Niu, S., Z. Li, J. Xia, Y. Han, M. Wu, and S. Wan. 2008. Climatic warming changes plant photosynthesis and its temperature dependence in a temperate steppe of northern China. Environmental and Experimental Botany 63: 91-101.

Xu, W., and S. Wan*. 2008. Water- and plant-mediated responses of soil respiration to topography, fire, and nitrogen fertilization in a semiarid grassland in northern China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40: 679-687.

Niu, S., M. Wu, Y. Han, J. Xia, L. Li, and S. Wan*. 2008. Water-mediated responses of ecosystem C fluxes to climatic change in a temperate steppe. New Phytologist 177: 209-219.
